The Cato Corporation
August 29, 2008
Ms. Tia Jenkins
Securities and Exchange Commission
Office of Beverages, Apparel, and Health Care Services
100 F Street, N.E., Mail Stop 3561
Washington, DC 20549
The Cato Corporation
Form 10-Q for Quarterly Period Ended
May 03, 2008 and filed June 11, 2008
File No. 001-31340 |
Dear Ms. Jenkins:
In regards to your letter dated August 5, 2008 for our filing referenced above, we respectfully
submit the following information regarding the timing and value of the Companys ARS investments.
The following issues were raised:
i. |
Based on your disclosure on page 20 of your Form 10-K for the year ended February 2, 2008
that (i) your ability to liquidate these investments in the near term may be limited and
(ii) you do not currently intend to liquidate these securities until market conditions
improve, tell us why you believe current classifications of your ARS is appropriate at May 3,
2008. |
ii. |
Considering the failed auctions during the quarter, tell us how you valued your ARS in the
context of SFAS 157. Specifically address the inputs observed and how the failed auctions
were overcome in your determination. |
As stated in the 10-K, the Company had $13.9 million of failed ARS as of March 25, 2008, which was
a reduction from $17.4 million as of year ended February 2, 2008. The failed ARS balance was
further reduced to $7.4 million in four securities as of first quarter ended May 3, 2008, which
represented the Companys Level 2 total for short-term investments. The $10.1 million reduction in
the failed ARS balance for the first quarter was made up of nine securities that all sold at a
successful auction for par.
Based on the experience above, we concluded, both at year ended February 2, 2008 and first quarter
ended May 3, 2008, that, more likely than not, the remaining failed ARS would clear within 12
months as market conditions improve. Per ARB 43, Chapter 3a we reasonably expect these failed ARS
securities to be realized within a year. Based on our interpretation of ARB 43, Chapter 3a and
our evaluation of the current market conditions we conclude these failed ARS should be classified
as current assets. And, in fact, as of second quarter ended August 2, 2008, the amount of failed
ARS is down to $4.4 million in two investments that are now expected to be repurchased by the
broker-dealers by year-end.
8100 Denmark Road
P.O. Box 34216
Charlotte, North Carolina 28234
(704) 554-8510
At May 3, 2008 the Companys failed ARS balance was comprised of $5.7 million in tax-free municipal
revenue bonds and $1.7 million in tax-free student loan issues. We classified these failed ARS
securities as Level 2 items under SFAS157 in our 10-Q for quarter ended May 3, 2008 since they were
not trading within ARS auctions and there was not an actively quoted market price for these
securities. Accordingly, we used a number of market based inputs to estimate the fair value of
these securities including (i) the underlying credit quality of the issuer and insurer and the
probability of default of the issue, (ii) the Companys experience and observations with ARS
investments that were similar in many material aspects such as credit rating, yield, coupon or term
to the remaining failed securities, (iii) the present value of future principal and interest
payments discounted at rates reflecting current market conditions, reflecting the Companys
determination that the effects on the ARSs fair value of the increased penalty interest being paid
by the non-auctioning bonds, as offset by a liquidity/risk value reduction, would render the fair
values materially the same as their carrying value (par), (iv) the timing of expected future cash
flows, and (v) the likelihood of repurchase at par for each security.
The Cato Corporation makes the following acknowledgments:
That it is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in the filing; |
Staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff comments do not foreclose
the Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing; and |
The Company may not assert staff comments as a defense in any proceeding initiated by
the Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the United States. |
If you have questions, please contact me at (704) 551-7315.
/s/John R. Howe
Executive Vice President
Chief Financial Officer
8100 Denmark Road
P.O. Box 34216
Charlotte, North Carolina 28234
(704) 554-8510